History’s Stories, Today’s Storytellers Exhibit

Rhode Island State Archives 33 Broad Street, Providence, RI, United States

Join the RI State Archives for the opening of a new exhibit featuring student artwork inspired by Rhode Island history. Students from North Smithfield High School and Mt. Hope High […]

Signature Sovereigns: The War for Connecticut, the Treaty of Hartford, and the Fallacy of Settler Supremacy


The Tomaquag Museum is hosting monthly lunch and learns. This session will include Historian Mack Scott(Narragansett) called, "Signature Sovereigns: The War for Connecticut, the Treaty of Hartford, and the Fallacy of Settler Supremacy." The conversation will explore how colonial leaders used the Pequot War to claim authority as “signature sovereigns” through records and treaties, despite […]

Virtual Author’s Talk—Don Troiani’s Black Soldiers in America’s Wars: 1754-1865


Historian John Rees discusses his recent collaboration with historical artist Don Troiani highlighting the participation of African American soldiers in America’s early wars that combines Troiani’s dramatic art with Rees’ heavily researched text. Drawing from his research and written contributions, along with Troiani’s battle paintings, figure studies, artifact collection and artist notes, Rees focuses on […]