
A Matter of Truth Exhibit

Rhode Island State House 82 Smith Street, Providence

“A Matter of Truth” Dives Into Rhode Island’s History of Discrimination The new State House exhibit presented by the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society explores the lives of African heritage residents from the 1600s to the present. While the Rhode Island State House has always been a destination for teachers and students eager to learn […]

Charting History: Navigating the Currents of Rhode Island’s Past

Aldrich House 110 Benevolent Street, Providence

Charting History is a traveling panel exhibition that tells one cohesive, chronological, and thematic narrative of Rhode Island's history. It follows the major threads of commerce, conflict, and conscience to tell the stories of RI and the people who have lived here throughout history up to the present-day. This exhibit is designed to introduce visitors […]

Gilded Age Newport in Color Exhibition

Rosecliff Mansion 548 Bellevue Avenue, Newport

"Gilded Age Newport in Color" at Rosecliff is taking visitors back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when African heritage families were active members of a new type of urban setting – the resort community. The exhibition explores an important chapter in American history when African heritage families could unite and promote their […]